How they work
So many of us now spend a large part of our day staring at digital screens. Whether it’s your smartphone, your tablet, your computer or a TV, think about how often you’re using one of these devices… it’s probably more than you realised.

According to Ofcom:
“People in the UK now check their smartphones, on average, every 12 minutes of the waking day. Two in five adults (40%) first look at their phone within five minutes of waking up, climbing to 65% of those aged under 35. Similarly, 37% of adults check their phones five minutes before lights out, again rising to 60% of under-35s.”
What does this mean for our eyes?

As yet, we don’t know what the long-term ramifications of all this screen time are for our vision. What we do know is that digital displays tend to emit a particularly high amount of ‘blue light’ – light which may play a role in macular degeneration and, if you are over exposed, seems to cause headaches, eye strain and sleeplessness. Those last 3 are certainly annoying, but macular degeneration is a serious eye disease, capable of causing blindness. However, thus far a link between blue light and the disease has not been conclusively proven. Nevertheless, in the most recent scientific study, researchers concluded:
“…harmful blue light-induced effects on human eyes should not be ignored. Blue light can produce different degree of damage to corneal, crystal lens and retina. Therefore, it is necessary to take appropriate protective measures when using blue light-related products, especially at night.”
How can you protect your eyes?

Due to our modern lifestyles, it is impossible to imagine digital device usage coming down. Indeed, the trend is increasingly towards using multiple devices at once.
Regular eye tests are crucial. Not only because your optician can detect diseases like macular degeneration and refer you for fast treatment that could potentially save your sight, but they can also recommend the best solutions for protecting your eyes.
Many people do not need prescription glasses, and that’s why we’ve launched our range of Screen Glasses. These are specifically for you if a) you don’t currently wear glasses and b) you spend a lot of time on digital devices.
What are Screen Glasses?

Our Screen Glasses contain Hoya Blue Control lenses, which filter out some of the blue light emitted by the digital devices you use. The effect is that you should experience fewer headaches, no eye strain, improved sleep patterns and long-term, your eyes should be healthier.
There are many companies currently manufacturing blue light filtering lenses. What makes Hoya Blue control the best? Simply put, Hoya are internationally renowned as the best manufacturer of lens coatings in the world. They have tremendous experience in filters for cameras, and they’ve used that knowledge to create their blue light filtering lenses.
Not only do Blue Control lenses intelligently filter certain specific wavelengths of blue light, but they are incredibly durable and long-lasting. Hoya’s Blue Control filter is added to High Vision LongLife – watch this video to see how it helps keep your lenses in perfect condition:

Lastly, if you’re going to wear a pair of glasses for a large part of the day, you want them to look great. That’s why we’ve matched Hoya Blue Control lenses with some of our most popular premium frames – with brands like Hugo Boss, Chloe’, Lacoste, Kate Spade and Police available. You can view the ladies styles here, and the men’s styles here. If you need any advice on picking the right style for you, email me via I’ve written a book on how to choose the perfect glasses (which you can order for free by clicking the link at the top of this page) and I’d be glad to give you some personal advice.
Want to learn more?
Watch our extensive video on this subject, as a client reviews her Screen Glasses after wearing them for 6 months: