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How to Choose the Right Designer Glasses – featuring Chloe’, Lacoste and Jimmy Choo

Choosing the right designer glasses is certainly down to individual taste. See below how the experts at The Spectacle Factory determine the right designer glasses for each and every customer.

In this blog I’m going to be talking to my colleague Ruth, one of our eyewear advisors, to give you an insight into how we approach the process of choosing the right style for the right person.

Ruth in her Jimmy Choo sunglasses


(Robert Sands): Hi Ruth! First of all, please tell us a bit about yourself… (Ruth Neilson): I have worked at The Spectacle Factory for nearly 12 years and in that time I have chosen a lot of spectacles with our clients! I have been a glasses wearer for 28 years and I have had some very nice frames and I have also made a few mistakes. I try to change my frame every year and I like to have something new because I wear them all day, every day. I also like to keep up with the newest styles. (RS): What do you think about the idea that people only ‘suit’ certain styles? (RN): Rubbish! Every person is an individual and one particular shape wouldn’t suit everyone with a round face, square face etc. Colours are also an individual thing. I am not one for colours but I have sold a lot of coloured frames that look wonderful and really suit my clients.


The same style in different colours being worn on completely different face shapes. (frames: Lacoste)

(RS): We both wear round glasses, what are your thoughts on that particular style for people who maybe aren’t so sure? (RN): Round frames have been creeping in over the last few years and for a long time I wasn’t a big fan. Well, guess what, I am wearing one and it is probably the nicest frame I have ever worn. I get a lot of compliments on this frame. They took a while to get used to and I suppose some people expect to put new glasses on and say “Yes! Perfect!” but that only happens if you choose a style along the lines of what you already wear. I like to be brave and I encourage my clients to be as well.


Ruth’s Chloe’ frames in Khaki.

(RS): Tell us about your favourite ranges for ladies…

(RN): My main glasses are by Chloe’ and my sunglasses are by Jimmy Choo, and they are certainly my two favourite brands. Chloe’ are a very stylish brand with nice but unusual colours; some bright, though mostly quite subdued. Plus they come in wonderful shapes.


Examples of Chloe styles

Jimmy Choo tends to be more about quirky styles, whether it’s bolder shapes, colours or details. They cover quite a wide age bracket so most people can wear them I would say.


Examples of Jimmy Choo styles

Both of these brands introduce new shapes throughout the year, according to the seasonal fashions. So you know you’re getting a frame that is up to date.

(RS): How do you make sure each client gets the right glasses for them?

(RN): When choosing glasses with customers I like to ask a few questions and get a feel for what I think they are looking for. Then I like to make a few suggestions and encourage them to try something they wouldn’t choose themselves. After trying a few styles they tend to start to feel comfortable with something different. Once we’ve found the right shape then we can work on colours and details on the frame such as crystals, snakeskin effect, feathers etc. I think it’s a good idea to have 2 pairs of glasses, so you can have a comfortable pair and a more daring pair. What I tend to find when the customer comes back 1-2 years later they have worn the most characterful pair more and more.

 Ruth’s Jimmy Choo sunglasses. I love the bling on the outside of the front.

(RS): I think a lot of people find choosing glasses very hard work. What would you say to someone who is really down about the whole experience?

(RN): I’ve worn glasses since I was 6. Believe me, it’s not as bad as you think. Personally, I love trying on new frames and new shapes. I know if someone trusts me, I will guide them through a process that gets them a pair of glasses that reflects their character. Your glasses should enhance your appearance rather than detract from it, and together we will find a pair that does that. But be open minded!

Thanks a lot to Ruth for doing this with me. Hopefully it gives you a sense of the pride and passion we approach every style consultation with. You know, the most frustrating thing for us is when someone doesn’t want our help. I think it’s because they expect us to be like the staff in most other places, with no enthusiasm or expertise, basically just sales people. But we are so very different than other places! So let us make your experience of choosing your eyewear so much easier (and you’ll get better glasses at the end of it too).

Any questions for me or Ruth, just tweet me @specfactory or call us on 01772312213. Thanks for reading.


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